Friday 22 June 2012

Sec 1 Express June Holiday Assignment (Lit)

June Holiday Assignment (20%)

Refer to the instructions below to find out the details to your June Holiday Assignment. This is an individual assignment which constitutes 20% of your CA 2 results. Copied work will be penalised.
1.      Refer to the Powerpoint slides which provide the cultural context to two poems, “The Hero” by Siegfried Sassoon and “At the Theatre (To the Lady behind Me)” by A. P. Herbert.
2.      Read both poems. They can be found in Federal Literature, on pages 86 and 123 respectively.
3.      Choose to answer questions from either ONE of the poems.
4.      Deadline for submission of work: Term 3 Week 2 (in-class). LATE SUBMISSIONS WILL NOT BE ENTERTAINED.

Click on the links below to read the poems online:

Question 1: “The Hero” by Siegfried Sassoon
A.      Briefly describe what this poem is about.
B.      Look at the title of the poem. Is Jack a real hero? Why or why not? Explain your answer with close reference to the poem. Quote evidence from the poem to support your stance. Limit your answer to 100 words.
C.      Why do you think the Brother Officer tells the “poor old dear some gallant lies” about her son Jack? Support your answer with evidence from the poem. Limit your answer to 100 words.
D.     How do you think Jack’s mother feels after she hears about her “brave.. glorious boy”? Support your answer with evidence from the poem. Limit your answer to 100 words.
E.      Which character can you sympathise (pity) with the most, and why? Limit your answer to 100 words.
F.       Describe a similar situation that you have encountered in your personal life (genuine experience, something you read/ heard about, etc.) whereby it was necessary to withhold the truth so that the other party affected would not be hurt. How does this tie in with the phrase ‘the truth hurts’? Do you think that it is justifiable to lie? Why or why not? Limit your answer to 200 words.

Question 2: “At the Theatre (To the Lady behind Me)” by A. P. Herbert
A.      Briefly describe what this poem is about.
B.      How do you think the persona feels towards the “lady behind [him]”? Why do you say so? Explain your answer with close reference to the poem. Quote evidence from the poem to support your stance. Limit your answer to 100 words.
C.      What exactly does the “foul woman” do to raise the anger of the persona? Support your answer with evidence from the poem. Limit your answer to 100 words.
D.     How differently are the characters in the poem experiencing the theatre? Refer specifically to the lady, her “half-wit” lady friend and niece, vs. the persona. Support your answer with evidence from the poem. Limit your answer to 100 words.
E.      Do you think the scenario described in the poem is comical? Why or why not? Refer specifically to how rhyme is used. Limit your answer to 100 words.
F.       Which character can you sympathise (pity) with the most, and why? Limit your answer to 100 words.
G.     Have you ever had such a similar experience in a theatre/ cinema? Describe your emotions during that encounter, and how the issue was resolved in the end. How do you think one should behave when in a theatre/ cinema? Why is it necessary to do so? Do you think that there should be harsher consequences imposed on people who disturb others in the theatre/ cinema? Why or why not? Limit your answer to 200 words.

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