Friday 22 June 2012

Sec 2G June Holiday Assignment (Lit)


With reference to the film Tarzan, answer ONE of the following questions. Your essay should be between 250 to 350 words. Use paragraphs in your writing, and bear in mind the P-E-E format. Attach your essay to this hand-out.

**Please only attempt questions 1 or 2.

1.     How is the theme of family portrayed in the film? You may wish to refer to the different roles in the family, or the relationships between family members (both human and animal), paying particular attention to parental figures. How are human and animal (gorilla) family relationships similar and/ or different?
2.     How does the film portray the issue of growing up and the need to belong? You may like to explore why Tarzan constantly feels “different” from the rest of his family, and why he desires to be like them. Is the film’s depiction of growing up accurate? Explain.
3.     In the film, man is shown to exploit nature (Clayton and gang are illegal poachers and smugglers of gorillas). Do you think this is true today? Give at least two real-life examples.
4.     Tarzan is a film about survival. Do you agree with this statement? Support your argument with at least three pieces of evidence. You may choose to write about the survival of man or nature.
5.     How is gender depicted in the film? Refer to at least two models of masculinity and two models of femininity in the film. Do they still apply today?

Click on the youtube link below to watch the excerpt:
Tarzan Video Clip Excerpt

Assessment Criteria:

Refer to the rubric attached below for how your essay will be graded. The maximum score for this essay is 20 marks, and this assignment constitutes 20% of your CA 2 results. 

Deadline for submission: 3 July, Tuesday, by 2pm (pigeonhole). APART FROM VALID REASONS (Eg. MC), LATE SUBMISSIONS WILL BE PENALISED. 

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